Our Goals

Jacaranda Preschool Centre Incorporated Strategic Plan 2015-2019


Our Vision

Jacaranda Preschool will lead the way as an advocate for all children and families, celebrating their strengths to enjoy today and learn for tomorrow by providing quality child centred education through a community preschool programme.

Our Strategic Plan

The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to maintain the high standard of education by articulating Jacaranda Preschool’s strategic direction for the next five years. Supported by the staff, parents and community, this strategic plan will provice a framework for ensuring the ongoing provision of high quality preschool education and enabling the allocation of resources and funds which will bring this strategy to life.

Parent Involvement

The Management Committee, made up of parents and interested parties, has the overall responsibility to members for the sustainability and relevance of the service. The Management Committee sets the strategic direction and monitors performance of the organisation.

Parents can also become involved through the Maintenance, Gardening or Social Sub Committees. As well parents are always welcome and encouraged to share their expertise and diversity with the children or work on projects. In 2016 the parents, grandparents, children and staff worked together on an art project that resulted in an art installation in the playground and an end of year Art Show.

Our Classes

We have three classrooms – the Sunshine, Starlight, and Rainbow Rooms – each classroom has up to 20 children with each room staffed by a university qualified early childhood teacher, support diploma trained educator and, historically, a trainee studying either Certificate 111 or Diploma as well.

Attendance Patterns


3-year-olds and 4year olds



when vacancies exist, these attendance patterns are varied as per the parent need.

Our Environment

National Quality Area 3: Physical Environment states “This quality area of the National Quality Standards focuses on the physical environment and ensuring it is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development.”

Our large, well shaded yard provides a variety of safe challenging areas for children to learn through their play. There are areas for quiet play and areas for more vigorous activities.

Children are encouraged to explore their environment and build secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships by interacting with each other and educators.

We have vegetable gardens, herb gardens, a creek with a water pump, memorial garden and an enchanted path to nowhere. Children are able to choose what they will do and foster understanding of and responsibility for their environment.

Our classrooms provide a secure predictable environment with rich activities that encourage children to explore new possibilities and contribute to their sense of belonging. Resources and materials are carefully chosen to maximise children’s engagement and sense of wonder.

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