Jacaranda Preschool Strategic Plan 2015-2019, “1. To provide the highest quality preschool education for our children in alignment with Quality Area 1 of the National Quality Standards and with a child-centric approach to teaching and learning.”(p10)
Parents require a safe environment, with a vision of Education, Nurturing, Community and Quality in which to confidently leave their children. This fundamental need of a parent is a prime concern of Jacaranda Pre-School. Jacaranda creates a safe, nurturing and positive atmosphere, a warm and happy place in which children experience an inclusive environment which promotes competence, independence, exploration and learning through play to develop a strong sense of identity.
Jacaranda’s safe, happy, nurturing and evolving environment promotes sustainable practices, resources and interactions to enable the child to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment
Teachers and educators of Jacaranda recognise that children can only be capable and resourceful when they are actively encouraged and supported to be so. Enabling children to think, act and create, so that a love of learning is facilitated by validating their experiences of success without pressure – “each child is supported to feel secure, confident and included” (NQS 5.1.3),
Jacaranda considers the child holistically, recognising the impossibility of the impact of one aspect of development in isolation from others without taking into account the interrelated nature through the child’s sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming through outcomes in identity, environment, communication, learning and wellbeing. (EYLF)